My favourite colours

Nerd boyfriend's cousin is getting married next year so I offered to help with designing the invitations. When we met over coffee (and delicious homemade bread with jam) to discuss some ideas, she mentioned that she had recently researched online to find out which colours would suit her best.

It made me think about my favourite colours and for a little while I felt somewhat bland.  My favourite colour is grey marle followed by black, white and navy. My wardrobe looks very monochrome, but then everything goes with everything.

In the past I've tried to introduce colour into my life. Like the red dress I wore to a wedding and haven't worn since, or the bright striped top that was going to change my life and ended up in the opp shop pile after 1 wear in 3 years.

This year though, I have decided to accept me as I am, monochrome and all. I only buy my favourite colours and sometimes even wear head-to-toe grey marle. I call it my 3 shades of grey outfit.
My colour choice makes me feel stylish and sophisticated and sometimes even a bit like Emmanuelle Alt (but shorter) so what's wrong with that?

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